Sunday, May 29, 2011

Touched by an Alien by Gini Koch

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Men in Black meets GQ and Stephen Hawkins - does this make you go, Huh?  I saw a blurb on this book and thought, maybe I'd like it.  I borrowed it from the library and to my shame, I left it languishing there for 2 months.  Last night, I forced myself to open the book and read a few pages just to see if I would like it.  I started at 10:30 PM.  At 3:30 AM, I finished the book and said, WHY DID I WAIT SO LONG?

This book contains campy names and just ridiculously hilarious scenarios.  Kitty Katt (roll eyes now) has been unaware of aliens and what her parents really do for a living.  What I love about Kitty is she has MAJOR cognitive skills.  She's a troubleshooter with the best of them. She thinks out of the box which I LOVE!  This is the kind of heroine I'd aspire to be.  Jeff and Christopher are both hot hot sexy aliens.  Both of them want Kitty.  I'm thinking, darn, this isn't an erotic novel.  This is Urban Fantasy so I'm not going to get a menage out of this.  Oh well.  The sexual tension in this book is just enough, not a forced token sex to keep readers interested.

The world Ms. Koch has built is fascinating and just fun.  It makes my inner geek girl squeal with delight.  I loved all the x-men and comic book references.  (I think Ms. Koch is a Marvel girl which is okay.  I just happen to be more of a DC girl. plltt!) 

Ms. Koch's writing style is great.  I really enjoyed it and her sense of humour is out of this world.  There were several scenes where she pulls of tongue in cheek humour in a great way.  This is probably one of my favourite new authors this year.  I am very impressed with this first book.  I recommend this to all my friends who like paranormal romances that have a bit more geekiness to it.

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