Sunday, March 6, 2011

Call Me IrresistibleCall Me Irresistible by Susan Elizabeth Phillips

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This review is going to be a bit different than my usual.  I'm going to follow in the footsteps of my friend, Mrs. Rhaw.  Some background first - I've never read a book from this author.  I picked up this book only because she created a funny video of her telling people not to read the book.  Her sense of humour was so over the top, I had to see if her writing voice was similar.  Now I'll start my review.

********Forewarning, spoilers may commence.************

I LOATHE YOU TOWN OF WYNETTE!  Y'all are crazy mo-fo who should be shot on sight!  Your sheer pettiness, maliciousness and downright lack of human decency is appalling.  Your lack of right and wrong, what the rest of the world knows as moral behaviour is shocking.  We call amoral people like you, sociopaths.  SHAME ON YOU!  And the women from this little messed up town, I have only one thing to say to you . . . See you next Tuesday!  If this is Southern Hospitality, I'd hate to see what they do to their enemies.

I rate my books by how much emotion can be wringed out of me.  I think I used 1/2 a box of Kleenex; I felt so bad for Meg.  Ted is an asshole and I hope he suffers.  I hoped he has his heart was ripped out and stomped on because I don't care if he's the town's golden boy and if he's a genius.  He is emotionally crippled and could give Spock or Data lessons.

Don't even get me started on Meg's parents and family.  I understand tough love, I really do.  I even use tough love.  I hope they feel guilt for all that Meg went through.  They claim they love and protect her.  Right, if that's love, I'd be interested in seeing how they explain rape, domestic violence and cruelty to animals.

Ms. Phillips did a wonderful job at bringing out the worst traits in humans.  I've never seen a small town portrayed in such a terrible light.  Nor have I ever seen a more terrible lynch mob and a more beaten down, but fighting heroine.  Meg isn't weak; I don't know how she survived this ordeal.  She has to be some kind of masochist.  If it had been me, I would have slaughtered the entire down and walked away laughing.  Meg did not. She brought them together and actually left them better off than when she showed up.

While Ms. Phillips did resolve this in a believable manner, I still feel there should have been more punishment doled out to the towns people, Meg's family and dear old perfect Ted.  I'm not reconciled with the ending because it was too easy for them.  I would have liked to have seen Meg actually raped and ending up in the ER, not just attempted assault.  It would serve those people right.  And it would have made me happy if Meg moved on and Ted was crushed.  Then they could have all known what a great person they lost through their malicious abused.  While many people think Ted is the one "irresistible", for me, it was Meg.  She's amazing.